Our SDGs Initiatives

Toward a Healthy, Discrimination-Free Workplace
Considering the health of our employees first, we only provide health checkupsWe are doing a new corona antigen test on the 1th of the month.
Due to nationality, gender, age and religious reasonsEmployment, education, promotion/employment, welfare benefits, etc.A non-discriminatory system in all employment conditionsbuilding.
Employees clean the inside and outside of the company every morning, and on-siteWe have strict safety measures. Construction industryAwarded by the Kanagawa Branch of the Industrial Accident Prevention AssociationI received

Challenge and learning
Regular in-house training and seminarsEncouraging acquisition and providing qualification allowances to those who acquire qualificationsI am paying.
We conclude a labor-management agreement once a year.vinegar. By having employees work togetherlaborImprove productivity, focus on efficiencywork quicklynowvinegar.

To the environment that connects to the future
Our main business isRepair work for crete drainage water tanks, etc.Extending the life of concrete structures, the amount of waste is greatly reduced by continuing to usevinegar.
Appropriate disposal of waste generated on-siteFest notifications and 3R promotion.
Use of environmentally friendly materials, reuse of equipment, etc.We are promoting the use of
Our main business is CO2Achieve reductions and help meet ISO14001 business goals.